"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it." — John Burroughs
Happy Winter, everyone! We made it through the longest nights, and now our days begin to grow brighter and brighter, slowly but surely. This is how I feel too looking forward with excitement about vaccines shared across the world in the coming months of literally brighter days. I learned last week that New York City contact tracers are considered essential workers, so I might move up the vaccine list. When it's my turn, I'll be there without hesitation! Now I've started to think about places I want to stop putting off visiting because what have I been waiting for? My list includes Morocco and the Valley of Roses, Namibia deserts and safari, gardens of the Azores and Madeira, White Sands National Park in New Mexico, cruising America's rivers, and sailing the Panama Canal with Dad. At night in my dreams I keep returning to Havana. There are many, many others, but these dominate my imagination.
What destinations have risen to the top of your list? Just picture yourself arriving at that place you've longed to see your whole life. What a celebration in your soul! I promise you that when you plan ahead and have that trip of your dreams booked, you will instantly feel JOY! You will have something to get excited about every day from now until then. It's a proven fact that booking travel makes you happier. When you choose Nine Muses Travel, you don't need to stress about anything. I'm ONLY working with suppliers who offer the utmost in safety and booking flexibility to safeguard all your travel investments.
Politics aside, I love the president-elect's slogan "Build Back Better," and I say let it be our personal mantras too. We've had so much of our routines disrupted, but vaccines mean that in 2021 we'll be able to start resuming normal activities. But what even is normal now? Something we get to build back - better. We get to decide what activities, thoughts, energy, goals, people, and places we add back to our lives in 2021. Each day is getting brighter now. Each day is expanding again to allow more waking dreams. There is no more "one day I'll get around to seeing...." Time is the currency of our lives, and we need to spend it wisely in ways that make it worth the having.
For those who celebrate Christmas, these are the conversations I'm asking that you have with your family and friends this week. What trips can you talk about with them that will lift your spirits for later in 2021? Maybe even some epic holidays and New Year's trips for a year from now to celebrate enough for this year and next year combined! Need some inspiration? Schedule a call with me to chat!
I know not everyone is able to be with their loved ones this year. Instead of being with family in Pittsburgh, I'll be home alone making contact tracing calls to strangers on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, offering support to my fellow New Yorkers, and commiserating over how these aren't the holidays we wanted but they're the ones we're lucky enough to have. I'm grateful that I and my family and friends are still here at the end of 2020. Some of you reading this can't say the same. I want you to know this journey we've been going on together through Muse News each week has meant a lot to me also because I've gotten to know many of you better through your replies and what you've shared with me too. You've seen by now that travel is more than my profession. To me, travel is a way to transform your life, with each and every trip you take.
It will be an honor to help you and your loved ones Build Back Better in 2021 and beyond. Until then, I wish you all safe, healthy, and happy holidays!

I design journeys that inspire by highlighting local arts and culture, history, and cuisine for intellectually curious clients longing to feel deeply inspired by exciting destinations, culinary delights, and authentic cultural experiences on a life-changing, joyful journey of discovery.
Danielle Dybiec
Founder & President