"It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart." ― Rainer Maria Rilke
Happy Spring! We've made it through a long, difficult year (to put it mildly), and yet we're left marveling at how it can be Spring again and how Time can move so rapidly slow. How fitting that each Spring we'll remember March 2020 while also celebrating the arrival of Spring, rebirth, and regrowth to always help us refocus forward with a spirit of hope for brighter, sunnier days.
This past weekend, as neighbors returned to relaxing on picnic blankets in my park across the street, I was indoors resting and engaging in epic feats of napping as I recovered from my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. When I got my jab Friday morning, I joined the 12.7 percent of New Yorkers who completed their full vaccine series that day. I timed it so that I could fully veg out Saturday and Sunday if I felt any side effects, and I'm glad I did! Mostly for me it was about fatigue, and I napped like it was my job all weekend. I pictured my immune system telling me to take it easy and lay down in the voice of Dustin Hoffman slapping the hood of that cab in Midnight Cowboy: "Hey, whatya doin'? I'm workin' here! I'm workin' here!" A slight chill, a few headaches, and some luxurious naps are the smallest of prices to pay for this extraordinary gift of a vaccine we didn't know we'd need and most definitely didn't have just over a year ago. I hope you've been able to get yours too or will be able to very soon.
On the business front, new requests continue to come in for future travels, and it's a joy to hear from valued clients and from new ones too! Where's the first place you'd love to go after your vaccine? A spa retreat to get back in touch with waylaid health and wellness practices? A road trip with your favorite pod to a private home rental in the mountains or at the beach? A Caribbean paradise, U.S. National Parks, or how about one of the many places on THIS LIST now open to American travelers?
Wherever you decide to roam, please don't put off getting your ideal trip held and on the books and risk losing availability for the journey you've been dreaming of for so long now! Plan now, book now, and travel later to secure exactly what you want - and what you need, by now. Here's to Springing forward!
Contact Nine Muses Travel to learn more about me and what I can do for you!

I design journeys that inspire by highlighting local arts and culture, history, and cuisine for intellectually curious clients longing to feel deeply inspired by exciting destinations, culinary delights, and authentic cultural experiences on a life-changing, joyful journey of discovery.
Danielle Dybiec
Founder & President